This incredible new e-book highlights essential money making ideas, business forms, and activities that are needed to become the richest caterer around. In addition, this phenomenal guide offers you inside scoops and wealth-creating secrets that most caterers either don’t know about or wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole. With its many valuable tips and top-secret recommendations, this groundbreaking e-book by Jeff Dombeck will give caterers of all experience levels the tools to be successful!
Using a common sense approach filled with straight talk and humor, this wonderful volume gives current and aspiring business owners precious advice on how to increase their profits. This illuminating guidebook emphasizes the crucial steps needed to transform your catering business into a profit-making machine, all without getting egg on your face. The Rich Caterer’s Bible is a magnificent how-to manual for beginners, or anyone else trying to squeeze a few extra dollars of profit from their existing catering or restaurant business. Filled with fun, keen insight, and most importantly, priceless information, this unique book should be a mainstay for every caterer who wants to maximize their business’s potential.
All of the products and information I’ve developed and make available on this website have been done with one goal in mind — to help caterers and restaurant owners, both new and experienced, make lots of money as soon as possible. There were some tricks that took me many years to figure out and I want you to know them too. They will save you many hours of hard work (and you’ll probably make thousands of dollars more too). I want you to be able to have them from the start.I’ve spent a lifetime working in the hospitality industry as a chef, baker, manager, business owner and teacher. Everywhere I have worked, I’ve made money. I’m offering you that knowledge and experience to help you to become a successful business owner and a truly rich caterer!
I know that “The Rich Caterer’s Bible – The Testament of Cuisine” is the most important and informative ebook that you will ever read. If you don’t feel the same way, we will happily give you 100% of your money back – Guaranteed! You even get to keep the ebook!
My education includes degrees from two culinary arts colleges, including the Culinary Institute of America… Read more…